Legal information :
Site ownership and editorial responsibility
You are on one of the "Les Confiseurs" websites
The purpose of this site is to provide you, free of charge, with information about Les Confiseurs, their products and
the possibility of purchasing their products online.
Site name: Les Confiseurs website
Site URL:
Site owner :
Association déclarée d'Action Sociale Code APE/NAF : Aide par le travail Head office : 39 RUE DU PRE DE LA BATAILLE 76000 ROUEN
RNA W763007807 Represented by Sophie Lion, General Manager
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WIX ( )
Hosting : WIX
Information contained in this site :
The information contained on this site is for information purposes only and neither its content nor its accuracy can be guaranteed.
This information is not contractually binding on the Association - Le Pré de la Bataille.
The Association - Le Pré de la Bataille reserves the right to modify the information contained on this site without prior notice.
Personal data:
Data collected on this site is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016; Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).This site uses forms. The data collected by the Association - Le Pré de la Bataille on these forms is for internal use only.All personal information collected on this site, whether mandatory or optional, is intended solely for the internal use of Association - Le Pré de la Bataille and will not be exchanged or resold to any outside organization.
You have the right to access, rectify and obtain a copy of your personal data; to have it erased (or "forgotten"); to limit the processing of your personal data; to be notified; to object, except on "legitimate and compelling grounds" such as processing for statistical, historical or scientific research purposes; to not be the subject of a legal decision based on automated processing; and to portability of your personal data.
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This entire site is governed by French legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
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If you wish to use all or part of this site, please contact the Association - Le Pré de la Bataille, specifying the precise content you wish to reproduce, in what context and on what media.
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The Association - Le Pré de la Bataille cannot be held responsible for the content of sites other than those managed by the Association - Le Pré de la Bataille, nor for the durability of these links.
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The Association- Le Pré de la Bataille declines all responsibility in this case and does not guarantee the continuity of the link.
Any individual or legal entity wishing to establish a link from this site to its own must submit a request to the Association - Le Pré de la Bataille.
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L'Association - Le Pré de la Bataille cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for direct or indirect damage to your computer while you are browsing our sites, whether such damage is physical, electronic or software.